[Board] Compile data for budget

Vicky Vergara vicky at georepublic.de
Mon Dec 10 16:48:31 PST 2018

I sent it to treasurer that maybe happened to be you

Vicky Vergara <vicky at georepublic.de>
Jul 26, 2018, 8:44 AM

to treasurer, Daniel, bcc: Rohith

On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 6:39 PM Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sure, I passed your request on to the incubation committee here:
>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/incubator/2018-July/003658.html
>>> You passed the request I made to the budget committee, I didn't mail it
>> to incbator
> You made the request to me as incubation chair.
> And a similar one in response to the zoo-project:
>>> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/incubator/2018-July/003631.html
>>> You passed the request Gerald made probably to the budget committee, He
>> didn't mail it  to incubator
> The treasurer made the request to be me as incubation chair.
>> "without the need of asking incubation committee"
>> Well, I thought budget was handled by budget committee and it seems you
>> want to change that some part of the budget is to be handled by incubator
>> committee (for the community projects).
> The budget committee stopped functioning, the board has taken over that
> responsibility (and indeed it is our focus for December).
> The incubation committee was asked to manage the osgeo community activity
> when it was formed (initially focused on setting good clear guidelines for
> joining).
> Ideally ZOO-Project can graduate and operate independently next year (with
>>> their own committee and officer).
>> Ideally that could happen to pgRouting also
> That would be great! It is really what we are trying for.
>> "get some budget"
>>> The only way to participate in the OSGeo budget planning is through a
>>> committee (the board is one such committee, as is marketing, incubation,
>>> and each osgeo project). If you look to the top of the thread I was
>>> considering which committee should be responsible for community projects
>>> once they have been accepted.
>> Yes, maybe I used the wrong word: get funds
>> Can be by donations, or by participating in programs like GSoC, or
>> request some budget to OSGeo
> Right, and for OSGeo activities usually we try for a mix of donations and
> osgeo budget.
> Any way, please consider that community projects have the option to look
>> for funds somewhere else.
>> when you make your proposals
> Yes, and if a community project / local chapter / inititive has something
> cool going on they can always approach the board (or one of the other
> committees) for financial support.


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