[postgis-tickets] [PostGIS] #2429: Curve lost in conversion

PostGIS trac at osgeo.org
Tue Jul 14 08:35:15 PDT 2015

#2429: Curve lost in conversion
  Reporter:  strk     |      Owner:  strk
      Type:  defect   |     Status:  new
  Priority:  medium   |  Milestone:  PostGIS 2.2.0
 Component:  postgis  |    Version:  2.0.x
Resolution:           |   Keywords:  curves

Comment (by pramsey):

 By loosening up the tolerances in pt_continues_arc, I got the following
 back from the stroke/unstroke round-trip:
 COMPOUNDCURVE(CIRCULARSTRING(706817.662 115873.071,706816.251539425
 115870.529386906,706815.434658177 115867.142253836),(706815.434658177
 115867.142253836,706815.419 115866.95))
 Not exactly what you wanted, but a pretty standard result, I think. The
 angle check in pt_continues_arc will cause the smaller "stubby bits" of a
 linearization to fail, as they don't have the same regular angle pattern
 as the identically sized segments that precede them. Trying to figure out
 a way to make all the segments equal length in a linearization would
 remove the problem while retaining the check. Or we could remove the
 check. Depends on if we want to unstroke linearizations that are generated
 by software other than ourselves.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/2429#comment:6>
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