[Board] Compile data for budget

Vicky Vergara vicky at georepublic.de
Mon Dec 10 16:18:59 PST 2018

On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 6:03 PM Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't remember asking the incubation committee...
>> If you have the link to that mail I would appreciate
> Sure, I passed your request on to the incubation committee here:
> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/incubator/2018-July/003658.html
> You passed the request I made to the budget committee, I didn't mail it to

> And a similar one in response to the zoo-project:
> https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/incubator/2018-July/003631.html
> You passed the request Gerald made probably to the budget committee, He
didn't mail it  to incubator

> One reason to ask the board to handle this in 2019 is that the board can
> respond quickly, the incubation committee voting takes two weeks (to give
> everyone a chance to respond via email).
> So Q2
>> Does that mean that community projects, like pgRouting or ZOO-Project,
>> long time participants on GSoC under the
>> umbrella of OSGeo can apply as independent organizations on GSoC to get
>> some budget without the need of asking incubator?
>> ($500 per student)
> There are two ways for me to read your sentence, I am not quite sure I
> understand your question :(
> "without the need of asking incubation committee"
Well, I thought budget was handled by budget committee and it seems you
want to change that some part of the budget is to be handled by incubator
committee (for the community projects).

> If the board accepts responsibility then these projects can ask the board
> (and the board needs to have a clue when they set the 2019 budget).
> If the board does not accept responsibility then the incubation committee
> can continue to take responsibility (and needs to have a clue when asking
> for a 2019 budget)
> Ideally ZOO-Project can graduate and operate independently next year (with
> their own committee and officer).
Ideally that could happen to pgRouting also

> "apply as independent organization on GSOC"
> I don't think I understand the GSoC question - that is a program OSGeo
> applies for each year? Internally we treat that as an initiative (no
> committee, no project officer, no budget - but could ask board to spend
> money on its behalf). I think GSoC would look at the legal entity (OSGeo in
> this case) when determining what is an "organization" ?
Yeah, as we are not part of GSoC, maybe its probable that an independent
project can be accepted as an organization

> "get some budget"
> The only way to participate in the OSGeo budget planning is through a
> committee (the board is one such committee, as is marketing, incubation,
> and each osgeo project). If you look to the top of the thread I was
> considering which committee should be responsible for community projects
> once they have been accepted.
Yes, maybe I used the wrong word: get funds
Can be by donations, or by participating in programs like GSoC, or request
some budget to OSGeo

> This is a really good discussion Vicky, although I am providing quick
> answers to be succinct, this is a discussion and we have the ability to
> modify the osgeo community program over time to meet our needs.
> We have a little less flexibility with budget, officers and committees -
> but we can always get things done.
> *For example the "GSOC Initiative" could advise the 2019 budget (with $500
> per student and 16 students 8000 ). When time came a member of the GSOC
> Inititive would attend a board meeting, make a motion for the board. If it
> was something that was going to happen each year i would encourage a GSOC
> committee to form so they can operate independently from the board, but if
> it is only one motion a year it may not be worthwhile eh?*

GSoC  (Google Summer of Code) depends on google, we (OSGeo) depend on being
accepted to participate there.
If we are not accepted, then there is no program for us.
But many other organizations and individual projects also have the chance
to participate.
Google decides who, not us.

Any way, please consider that community projects have the option to look
for funds somewhere else.
when you make your proposals



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Vicky Vergara
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