mailing lists - Admin Links |
Welcome! Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list. General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page. (Send questions and comments to |
List | Description |
Africa | Africa local chapter discussions |
Alberta | Alberta, Canada provincial OSGeo local chapter mailing list |
Announce | OSGeo Announcements and News |
Argentina | Geoinquietos Argentina |
AtlanticCanada | Atlantic Canada Local Chapter of OSGeo |
Barcelona | Geoinquiets Barcelona |
Belgium | OSGeo Belgium discussion |
Belgium-Announce | OSGeo Belgium Announce list |
Benchmarking | Performance testing of OSGeo and other web service engines. |
Board | OSGeo Board of Directors Discussion |
Board-es | OSGeo Espanol Board |
Board-fr | Francophone LC Board mailing list of the legal association OSGeo-fr |
Bolivia | Lista de correo de OSGeo Bolivia |
Bootcamp08 | Ottawa Open Source Boot Camp'08 |
Boston | Boston OSGeo Enthusiasts Discussion |
Brasil | OSGeo Brasil |
California | OSGeo California (USA) |
Can_rnf | Canadian Road Network File Improvement Project |
Cantabria | Lista de correo de GeoInquietos Cantabria |
Carto | Cartographic meta-project for print quality output |
cat-interop | Improving interoperability between open source metadata servers and clients. |
CBERS-PDS | CBERS / Amazonia 1 Public Dataset Discussion |
COC-discuss | Discussion list for the OSGeo Code Of Conduct Committee |
COG | Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF mailing list |
Conference-Europe | Organization and discussion about FOSS4G in Europe |
Conference-resources | Resources for FOSS4G conferences |
Conference-workshops | FOSS4G conference workshops subcommittee |
Conference_dev | OSGeo/FOSS4G Conferences Discussion List |
Contractors | Conducting business as a FOSS4G contractor. |
cordoba | Lista de correo para Geoinquietos Córdoba |
Croatia | Croatian Local Chapter official mailing list |
Danmark | OSGeo DK - Lokal dansk afdeling |
Discuss | OSGeo Discussions |
distRS | RS distributed chain processing using GDAL C+OpenMP |
DotNet | OSGeo mailing list for the .NET developer community |
Drupal-geo | Geospatial Drupal Integration Discussion |
Dutch | Nederlandstalige Afdeling van OSGeo |
Edu_discuss | Educational Committee Discussions |
Educacao-pt | Portuguese language education discussion |
el | Free GIS software on Enterprise Linux |
es_norte | Geoinquietos de Galicia |
Europe | Europe Local Chapter discussions |
Euskadi | Lista de correo de Geoinquietos Euskadi |
fdo-announce | FDO Announce Mail List |
fdo-commits | FDO Commits Mail List |
fdo-internals | FDO Internals Mail List |
fdo-trac | List for all FDO Trac bug update reports |
fdo-users | FDO Users Mail List |
FeatureServer | [no description available] |
Finance | OSGeo Financial |
Finland | FOSS4G discussions in Finland |
Forestrytools | Open Source Forestry Tools Discussion |
FOSS-GPS | Open Source GPS-related discussion and support |
FOSS4G-FR | FOSS4G France conference discussions |
FOSS4G-UK | To discuss the planning of the FOSS4G:UK conference series. |
FOSS4G2008LOC | FOSS4G2008 local organising committee |
Foss4g2024 | Foss4g2024 |
Francophone | Francophone local chapter discussions |
fusion-commits | [no description available] |
fusion-dev | [no description available] |
fusion-trac | [no description available] |
fusion-users | [no description available] |
Galapagos | Lista de correo para la iniciativa local de Geoinquietos Galapagos |
gdal-advisory-council | [no description available] |
gdal-announce | Infrequent GDAL/OGR Announcements |
gdal-commits | GDAL SVN Commit Messages |
gdal-dev | Discussion for developers using and building GDAL/OGR. |
Geodata | Packaging, discovering, distributing public geospatial data |
GeoForAll | Geo for All Network |
GeoForAll-Africa | [no description available] |
GeoForAll-AgriGIS | [no description available] |
GeoForAll-AsiaAustralia | [no description available] |
GeoForAll-Awards | [no description available] |
GeoForAll-GeoCrowd | A mailing list for discussions around the GeoForAll GeoCrowd thematic area |
GeoForAll-Iberoamerica | [no description available] |
GeoForAll-labdirectors | GeoForAll Laboratory Directors discussion group |
GeoForAll-NorthAmerica | [no description available] |
GeoForAll-Schools | [no description available] |
Geoinquietos-BSB | Lista de discussão para os membros da Geoinquietos BrasÃlia |
geoinquietos-es | [no description available] |
GeoMoose-users | GeoMoose User and Developer Mailing List |
geonode-devel | GeoNode development discussion |
geonode-users | GeoNode users discussion |
Geoprisma-dev | GeoPrisma developers list |
Geoprisma-users | GeoPrisma users list |
geopython-security | Unarchived list for geopython security issues |
geos-commits | GEOS Commits |
geos-devel | GEOS Development List |
geoserver-jp | GeoServer Discussion (Japanese) |
GeoServer-security | Unarchived list for GeoServer security issues |
GeoTalleres-dev | List to support the GeoTalleres project |
Geotiff | GeoTIFF and libgeotiff discussion |
Geotoolkit | Discussion of the Java Geotoolkit project. |
GIPS | GIPS Discussion |
GIS.lab | Mailing list for the GIS.lab project |
Gisquick | Gisquick project discussion |
Graphics | Discussion of shared icon and graphic sets |
grass-abm | Integration of GRASS GIS with agent based modeling (ABM) |
grass-announce | GRASS GIS project announcements |
grass-commit | Mailing list to distribute GRASS-git commits |
grass-dev | GRASS GIS Development mailing list (Migration to discourse taking place) |
grass-es | La lista de correo de GRASS GIS en español |
grass-gui | GRASS GIS graphical user interface (GUI) mailing list |
grass-psc | GRASS-PSC: GRASS GIS Project Steering Committee |
grass-qa | GRASS GIS Quality Assessment and monitoring list (currently inactive) |
grass-stats | GRASS GIS and statistical software |
grass-translations | Translation of GRASS GIS (i18N) |
grass-user | Migration to |
grass-web | GRASS GIS website mailing list |
Greek | Greek Local Chapter for OSGeo |
gvSIG-Argentina | Lista de Usuarios de La Comunidad gvSIG Argentina |
gvSIG-Batovi | Lista de correo para el proyecto gvSIG Educa |
gvSIG-Brazil | Lista de emails da Comunidade gvSIG-BR |
gvSIG-Desktop-Devel | gvSIG Development discussions |
gvSIG-Italian | Lista di discussione in lingua italiana utenti e sviluppatori di gvSIG |
gvSIG-Russia | [no description available] |
i3geo | Lista de distribución de i3Geo |
I3geo-en | i3Geo mailing list |
Incubator | Incubator Committee Discussions |
India-board | India Chapter Board Discussions |
India-discuss | India Local Chapter of OSGeo |
Indonesia | OSGeo Indonesia Local Chapter |
Industry | Discussions about business around FOSS4G |
Ireland | Discussion group for the Ireland OSGeo Local Chapter |
iTowns-dev | iTowns project developers discussion |
ITowns-user | iTowns project users discussions ( ) |
Jackpine | Discuss Jackpine GeoDB Benchmarking |
Japan_mapguide | [no description available] |
Java-collab | Interproject Java Collaboration |
Jobs | FOSS4G Related Jobs and Resumes |
Landsat-pds | Landsat Public Dataset Discussion |
Las | [no description available] |
Latvia | Mailing list for Latvian speaking users |
Lesotho | Lesotho local chapter discussions |
Lexicon | OSGeo Lexicon discussion group |
Liblas-devel | Software developers of libLAS |
Libro_SIG | Libro SIG OSGeo en Español |
librttopo-dev | librttopo development discussion list |
linux-packaging | [no description available] |
Lizmap | Lizmap project discussions |
Lizmap-de | Lizmap Projekt deutschsprachige Diskussion |
lk-discuss | Sri Lanka Local Chapter discussions |
Local-chapters | Comunication with, between and about Local Chapters |
Madagascar | Madagascar local chapter discussions |
Madrid | La lista de los geo-inquietos que viven en Madrid |
Mapbender_commits | Mapbender Commit |
Mapbender_dev | Mapbender Developer List |
Mapbender_users | Mapbender User List |
mapcolabora | Mapeado Colaborativo - Geoinquietos Zaragoza |
mapguide-announce | MapGuide Announce Mail List |
mapguide-commits | MapGuide Commits Mail List |
mapguide-internals | MapGuide Internals Mail List |
mapguide-trac | [no description available] |
mapguide-users | MapGuide Users Mail List |
MapProxy | MapProxy User List |
MapProxy-dev | MapProxy Developer List |
MapQuery | Development of a jQuery based mapping env. |
MapServer-announce | Infrequent MapServer Announcements |
MapServer-commits | MapServer Repository Commits |
MapServer-dev | MapServer Development Discussion |
MapServer-Inspire | Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) with MapServer |
MapServer-users | MapServer User Support and Discussion |
MapServer_security | Unarchived list for MapServer security issues |
Marketing | OSGeo Marketing discussions |
MDAL-Developer | MDAL developers discussions |
MetaCRS | MetaCRS (Coordinate Systems) Discussions |
Mobile | [no description available] |
Mobilitydb-dev | [no description available] |
Mobilitydb-users | [no description available] |
MOSS-archives | Map Overlay and Statistical System (MOSS) heritage project discussion list |
Murcia | Lista de discusión de Geoinquietos Murcia |
NAS | PostNAS-Suite - ALKIS, ATKIS, ABK - NAS-Importschnittstelle via ogr2ogr |
newsletter | Journal development |
Nicaragua | Lista para Geoinquietos Nicaragua |
Nigeria | Nigeria Local Chapter discussions |
Nordic | Nordic OSGeo local chapter |
Northamerica | North American Region Chapter |
Oceania | OSGeo Oceania discussions |
Oceania-Board | OSGeo Oceania Board discussions |
OpenCitySmart | [no description available] |
OpenDroneMap-dev | OpenDroneMap developers discussion |
OpenDroneMap-users | OpenDroneMap users discussion |
OpenGeoscience | Discussion list for the Open Geoscience committee |
Commits | [no description available] |
Dev | OpenLayers Developers List |
Trac | OpenLayers trac list |
Users | OpenLayers User discussion |
OpenNOMS | Open Noise and Operations Management System |
OSGeo-BC | OSGeo Local Chapter, British Columbia, Canada |
OSGeo-China | OSGeo中文邮件列表 |
OSGeo-Russia | Discussions for OSGeo Russia Local Chapter |
osgeo4w-dev | OSGeo Win32 Installer List |
Osgeo4w-trac | [no description available] |
OSGeoJapan-announce | [no description available] |
OSGeoJapan-board | [no description available] |
OSGeoJapan-discuss | [no description available] |
osgeolive | OSGeoLive project discussions |
Oskari-user | Oskari user mailing list |
OTB-Users | List for users of the Orfeo Toolbox |
Ottawa_users | Ottawa (Canada) Local Chapter List |
owsjs | |
OWSLib-devel | OWSLib Development |
OWSLib-users | OWSLib Users |
pacific-islands | Pacific Islands Chapter Discussion |
pal-developer | PAL Labeling Library Developer Discussion |
pal-user | PAL Labelling Library Developer Discussion |
pdal | [no description available] |
pgpointcloud | LIDAR types for PostgreSQL |
Pgrouting-users | pgRouting users mailing list |
Philadelphia | Philadelphia OSGeo Chapter Discussion |
Philippines | Discussions on Open Source Geospatial in the Philippines |
Poland | Lista dyskusyjna OSGeo Polska |
Portugal | OSGeo PT - The OSGeo Portugal Local Chapter |
postgis-devel | PostGIS Development Discussion |
postgis-tickets | Activity notifications for PostGIS |
postgis-users | PostGIS Users Discussion |
PROJ | PROJ library and general geodesy discussions |
Proj4j | Discussion about the Proj4J coordinate system Java library |
proj4php-devel | Discussions about Proj4php project development |
Projects | Contact with OSGeo project officers |
pycsw-devel | pycsw Development |
pygeoapi | pygeoapi project discussions |
pywps-dev | [no description available] |
QGIS-co | Lista del Grupo de Usuarios QGIS Colombia |
Qgis-community-team | [no description available] |
QGIS-DE | Interne Kommunikation der QGIS Anwendergruppe Deutschland |
QGIS-Developer | Discussion of all things QGIS development related |
QGIS-es | Lista de usuarios de QGIS en Español |
QGIS-fr-user | French QGIS User Group |
qgis-gh-user | Ghana QGIS user group |
QGIS-it-user | Lista italiana utenti di QGIS |
qgis-no-user | Norwegian QGIS users discussion list |
QGIS-pl | Polska Grupa Uźytkowników QGIS |
QGIS-PSC | QGIS Project Steering Committee |
QGIS-pt | QGIS PT - lista de utilizadores QGIS, em português. |
qgis-qwc2 | QGIS Web Client 2 discussion list |
qgis-se-user | Migration to |
Qgis-sk | Slovak QGIS user group |
Qgis-tr | QGIS Translation Discussions |
QGIS-trac | QGIS Trac Mailing List |
qgis-uk-user | UK QGIS users list |
Qgis-us-user | USA QGIS Users (Migration to discourse taking place) |
QGIS-User | QGIS User DiscussionList |
Qgis-voting-members | QGIS voting members |
qgis-za-user | South Africa QGIS user group |
Quebec | Liste du chapitre local quebecois |
Quebec-comite | [no description available] |
Quebec-conf | [no description available] |
Rafagas | [no description available] |
Routergeocoder | Discussion about Router and Geocoder technologies |
Sac | System Administration Committee Discussion/OSGeo |
Scotland | Scotland Local Chapter |
Senegal | Senegal Local Chapter |
Sentinel-pds | Public discussion of making Sentinel 2 data available on S3 |
Sevilla | Lista de correo para Geoinquietos Sevilla |
Shapelib | Shapelib Development |
Southeast-US | Southeast US OSGeo discussion list |
Spanish | CapÃtulo Local de la comunidad hispano-hablante |
Spatial-Ecology | Announcements and News | | [no description available] |
SriLanka | OSGeo mailing list for Sri Lanka |
Standards | OSGeo's standards-related activities |
STDM-announce | Announces mailing list for STDM project |
STDM-dev | Developers mailing list for the STDM project |
STDM-user | Users list for the STDM project |
Tcmug | Twin Cities MapServer Users Group/OSGeo - Twin Cities Local Chapter |
Tiff | TIFF and libtiff discussion |
Tilecache | Discussion of TileCache |
Tiling | [no description available] |
TOSprint | OSGeo Code Sprint Discussion |
Ubuntu | UbuntuGIS Discussions |
UK | OSGeo:UK |
UK-committee | OSGeo:UK Committee |
UN | United Nations committee discussions |
US | US OSGeo Local Chapter discussion |
utilities-telecom | [no description available] |
Valencia | Lista de correo para la iniciativa local de Geoinquietos Valencia |
Vector-Tiles | Discussion around Vector Tiles implementations |
Vietnam | Vietnam Chapter Discussion |
Webcom | Web Site Committee (WebCom) mailing list |
WebGL | WebGL for Geospatial Applications discussion |
Webmap-discuss | [no description available] |
Wps-discuss | Web Processing Service Discussions |
Www_international-discuss | Discussion on how to improve international networking |
Yukon | [no description available] |
ZOO-discuss | [no description available] |
ZOO-PSC | [no description available] |
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