Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

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List Description
Africa Africa local chapter discussions
Alberta Alberta, Canada provincial OSGeo local chapter mailing list
Announce OSGeo Announcements and News
Argentina Geoinquietos Argentina
AtlanticCanada Atlantic Canada Local Chapter of OSGeo
Barcelona Geoinquiets Barcelona
Belgium OSGeo Belgium discussion
Belgium-Announce OSGeo Belgium Announce list
Benchmarking Performance testing of OSGeo and other web service engines.
Board OSGeo Board of Directors Discussion
Board-es OSGeo Espanol Board
Board-fr Francophone LC Board mailing list of the legal association OSGeo-fr
Bolivia Lista de correo de OSGeo Bolivia
Bootcamp08 Ottawa Open Source Boot Camp'08
Boston Boston OSGeo Enthusiasts Discussion
Brasil OSGeo Brasil
California OSGeo California (USA)
Can_rnf Canadian Road Network File Improvement Project
Cantabria Lista de correo de GeoInquietos Cantabria
Carto Cartographic meta-project for print quality output
cat-interop Improving interoperability between open source metadata servers and clients.
CBERS-PDS CBERS / Amazonia 1 Public Dataset Discussion
COC-discuss Discussion list for the OSGeo Code Of Conduct Committee
COG Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF mailing list
Conference-Europe Organization and discussion about FOSS4G in Europe
Conference-resources Resources for FOSS4G conferences
Conference-workshops FOSS4G conference workshops subcommittee
Conference_dev OSGeo/FOSS4G Conferences Discussion List
Contractors Conducting business as a FOSS4G contractor.
cordoba Lista de correo para Geoinquietos Córdoba
Croatia Croatian Local Chapter official mailing list
Danmark OSGeo DK - Lokal dansk afdeling
Discuss OSGeo Discussions
distRS RS distributed chain processing using GDAL C+OpenMP
DotNet OSGeo mailing list for the .NET developer community
Drupal-geo Geospatial Drupal Integration Discussion
Dutch Nederlandstalige Afdeling van OSGeo
Edu_discuss Educational Committee Discussions
Educacao-pt Portuguese language education discussion
el Free GIS software on Enterprise Linux
es_norte Geoinquietos de Galicia
Europe Europe Local Chapter discussions
Euskadi Lista de correo de Geoinquietos Euskadi
fdo-announce FDO Announce Mail List
fdo-commits FDO Commits Mail List
fdo-internals FDO Internals Mail List
fdo-trac List for all FDO Trac bug update reports
fdo-users FDO Users Mail List
FeatureServer [no description available]
Finance OSGeo Financial
Finland FOSS4G discussions in Finland
Forestrytools Open Source Forestry Tools Discussion
FOSS-GPS Open Source GPS-related discussion and support
FOSS4G-FR FOSS4G France conference discussions
FOSS4G-UK To discuss the planning of the FOSS4G:UK conference series.
FOSS4G2008LOC FOSS4G2008 local organising committee
Foss4g2024 Foss4g2024
Francophone Francophone local chapter discussions
fusion-commits [no description available]
fusion-dev [no description available]
fusion-trac [no description available]
fusion-users [no description available]
Galapagos Lista de correo para la iniciativa local de Geoinquietos Galapagos
gdal-advisory-council [no description available]
gdal-announce Infrequent GDAL/OGR Announcements
gdal-commits GDAL SVN Commit Messages
gdal-dev Discussion for developers using and building GDAL/OGR.
Geodata Packaging, discovering, distributing public geospatial data
GeoForAll Geo for All Network
GeoForAll-Africa [no description available]
GeoForAll-AgriGIS [no description available]
GeoForAll-AsiaAustralia [no description available]
GeoForAll-Awards [no description available]
GeoForAll-GeoCrowd A mailing list for discussions around the GeoForAll GeoCrowd thematic area
GeoForAll-Iberoamerica [no description available]
GeoForAll-labdirectors GeoForAll Laboratory Directors discussion group
GeoForAll-NorthAmerica [no description available]
GeoForAll-Schools [no description available]
Geoinquietos-BSB Lista de discussão para os membros da Geoinquietos Brasília
geoinquietos-es [no description available]
GeoMoose-users GeoMoose User and Developer Mailing List
geonode-devel GeoNode development discussion
geonode-users GeoNode users discussion
Geoprisma-dev GeoPrisma developers list
Geoprisma-users GeoPrisma users list
geopython-security Unarchived list for geopython security issues
geos-commits GEOS Commits
geos-devel GEOS Development List
geoserver-jp GeoServer Discussion (Japanese)
GeoServer-security Unarchived list for GeoServer security issues
GeoTalleres-dev List to support the GeoTalleres project
Geotiff GeoTIFF and libgeotiff discussion
Geotoolkit Discussion of the Java Geotoolkit project.
GIPS GIPS Discussion
GIS.lab Mailing list for the GIS.lab project
Gisquick Gisquick project discussion
Graphics Discussion of shared icon and graphic sets
grass-abm Integration of GRASS GIS with agent based modeling (ABM)
grass-announce GRASS GIS project announcements
grass-commit Mailing list to distribute GRASS-git commits
grass-dev GRASS GIS Development mailing list (Migration to discourse taking place)
grass-es La lista de correo de GRASS GIS en español
grass-gui GRASS GIS graphical user interface (GUI) mailing list
grass-psc GRASS-PSC: GRASS GIS Project Steering Committee
grass-qa GRASS GIS Quality Assessment and monitoring list (currently inactive)
grass-stats GRASS GIS and statistical software
grass-translations Translation of GRASS GIS (i18N)
grass-user Migration to
grass-web GRASS GIS website mailing list
Greek Greek Local Chapter for OSGeo
gvSIG-Argentina Lista de Usuarios de La Comunidad gvSIG Argentina
gvSIG-Batovi Lista de correo para el proyecto gvSIG Educa
gvSIG-Brazil Lista de emails da Comunidade gvSIG-BR
gvSIG-Desktop-Devel gvSIG Development discussions
gvSIG-Italian Lista di discussione in lingua italiana utenti e sviluppatori di gvSIG
gvSIG-Russia [no description available]
i3geo Lista de distribución de i3Geo
I3geo-en i3Geo mailing list
Incubator Incubator Committee Discussions
India-board India Chapter Board Discussions
India-discuss India Local Chapter of OSGeo
Indonesia OSGeo Indonesia Local Chapter
Industry Discussions about business around FOSS4G
Ireland Discussion group for the Ireland OSGeo Local Chapter
iTowns-dev iTowns project developers discussion
ITowns-user iTowns project users discussions ( )
Jackpine Discuss Jackpine GeoDB Benchmarking
Japan_mapguide [no description available]
Java-collab Interproject Java Collaboration
Jobs FOSS4G Related Jobs and Resumes
Landsat-pds Landsat Public Dataset Discussion
Las [no description available]
Latvia Mailing list for Latvian speaking users
Lesotho Lesotho local chapter discussions
Lexicon OSGeo Lexicon discussion group
Liblas-devel Software developers of libLAS
Libro_SIG Libro SIG OSGeo en Español
librttopo-dev librttopo development discussion list
linux-packaging [no description available]
Lizmap Lizmap project discussions
Lizmap-de Lizmap Projekt deutschsprachige Diskussion
lk-discuss Sri Lanka Local Chapter discussions
Local-chapters Comunication with, between and about Local Chapters
Madagascar Madagascar local chapter discussions
Madrid La lista de los geo-inquietos que viven en Madrid
Mapbender_commits Mapbender Commit
Mapbender_dev Mapbender Developer List
Mapbender_users Mapbender User List
mapcolabora Mapeado Colaborativo - Geoinquietos Zaragoza
mapguide-announce MapGuide Announce Mail List
mapguide-commits MapGuide Commits Mail List
mapguide-internals MapGuide Internals Mail List
mapguide-trac [no description available]
mapguide-users MapGuide Users Mail List
MapProxy MapProxy User List
MapProxy-dev MapProxy Developer List
MapQuery Development of a jQuery based mapping env.
MapServer-announce Infrequent MapServer Announcements
MapServer-commits MapServer Repository Commits
MapServer-dev MapServer Development Discussion
MapServer-Inspire Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) with MapServer
MapServer-users MapServer User Support and Discussion
MapServer_security Unarchived list for MapServer security issues
Marketing OSGeo Marketing discussions
MDAL-Developer MDAL developers discussions
MetaCRS MetaCRS (Coordinate Systems) Discussions
Mobile [no description available]
Mobilitydb-dev [no description available]
Mobilitydb-users [no description available]
MOSS-archives Map Overlay and Statistical System (MOSS) heritage project discussion list
Murcia Lista de discusión de Geoinquietos Murcia
NAS PostNAS-Suite - ALKIS, ATKIS, ABK - NAS-Importschnittstelle via ogr2ogr
newsletter Journal development
Nicaragua Lista para Geoinquietos Nicaragua
Nigeria Nigeria Local Chapter discussions
Nordic Nordic OSGeo local chapter
Northamerica North American Region Chapter
Oceania OSGeo Oceania discussions
Oceania-Board OSGeo Oceania Board discussions
OpenCitySmart [no description available]
OpenDroneMap-dev OpenDroneMap developers discussion
OpenDroneMap-users OpenDroneMap users discussion
OpenGeoscience Discussion list for the Open Geoscience committee
Commits [no description available]
Dev OpenLayers Developers List
Trac OpenLayers trac list
Users OpenLayers User discussion
OpenNOMS Open Noise and Operations Management System
OSGeo-BC OSGeo Local Chapter, British Columbia, Canada
OSGeo-China OSGeo中文邮件列表
OSGeo-Russia Discussions for OSGeo Russia Local Chapter
osgeo4w-dev OSGeo Win32 Installer List
Osgeo4w-trac [no description available]
OSGeoJapan-announce [no description available]
OSGeoJapan-board [no description available]
OSGeoJapan-discuss [no description available]
osgeolive OSGeoLive project discussions
Oskari-user Oskari user mailing list
OTB-Users List for users of the Orfeo Toolbox
Ottawa_users Ottawa (Canada) Local Chapter List
OWSLib-devel OWSLib Development
OWSLib-users OWSLib Users
pacific-islands Pacific Islands Chapter Discussion
pal-developer PAL Labeling Library Developer Discussion
pal-user PAL Labelling Library Developer Discussion
pdal [no description available]
pgpointcloud LIDAR types for PostgreSQL
Pgrouting-users pgRouting users mailing list
Philadelphia Philadelphia OSGeo Chapter Discussion
Philippines Discussions on Open Source Geospatial in the Philippines
Poland Lista dyskusyjna OSGeo Polska
Portugal OSGeo PT - The OSGeo Portugal Local Chapter
postgis-devel PostGIS Development Discussion
postgis-tickets Activity notifications for PostGIS
postgis-users PostGIS Users Discussion
PROJ PROJ library and general geodesy discussions
Proj4j Discussion about the Proj4J coordinate system Java library
proj4php-devel Discussions about Proj4php project development
Projects Contact with OSGeo project officers
pycsw-devel pycsw Development
pygeoapi pygeoapi project discussions
pywps-dev [no description available]
QGIS-co Lista del Grupo de Usuarios QGIS Colombia
Qgis-community-team [no description available]
QGIS-DE Interne Kommunikation der QGIS Anwendergruppe Deutschland
QGIS-Developer Discussion of all things QGIS development related
QGIS-es Lista de usuarios de QGIS en Español
QGIS-fr-user French QGIS User Group
qgis-gh-user Ghana QGIS user group
QGIS-it-user Lista italiana utenti di QGIS
qgis-no-user Norwegian QGIS users discussion list
QGIS-pl Polska Grupa Uźytkowników QGIS
QGIS-PSC QGIS Project Steering Committee
QGIS-pt QGIS PT - lista de utilizadores QGIS, em português.
qgis-qwc2 QGIS Web Client 2 discussion list
qgis-se-user Migration to
Qgis-sk Slovak QGIS user group
Qgis-tr QGIS Translation Discussions
QGIS-trac QGIS Trac Mailing List
qgis-uk-user UK QGIS users list
Qgis-us-user USA QGIS Users (Migration to discourse taking place)
QGIS-User QGIS User DiscussionList
Qgis-voting-members QGIS voting members
qgis-za-user South Africa QGIS user group
Quebec Liste du chapitre local quebecois
Quebec-comite [no description available]
Quebec-conf [no description available]
Rafagas [no description available]
Routergeocoder Discussion about Router and Geocoder technologies
Sac System Administration Committee Discussion/OSGeo
Scotland Scotland Local Chapter
Senegal Senegal Local Chapter
Sentinel-pds Public discussion of making Sentinel 2 data available on S3
Sevilla Lista de correo para Geoinquietos Sevilla
Shapelib Shapelib Development
Southeast-US Southeast US OSGeo discussion list
Spanish Capítulo Local de la comunidad hispano-hablante
Spatial-Ecology Announcements and News [no description available]
SriLanka OSGeo mailing list for Sri Lanka
Standards OSGeo's standards-related activities
STDM-announce Announces mailing list for STDM project
STDM-dev Developers mailing list for the STDM project
STDM-user Users list for the STDM project
Tcmug Twin Cities MapServer Users Group/OSGeo - Twin Cities Local Chapter
Tiff TIFF and libtiff discussion
Tilecache Discussion of TileCache
Tiling [no description available]
TOSprint OSGeo Code Sprint Discussion
Ubuntu UbuntuGIS Discussions
UK-committee OSGeo:UK Committee
UN United Nations committee discussions
US US OSGeo Local Chapter discussion
utilities-telecom [no description available]
Valencia Lista de correo para la iniciativa local de Geoinquietos Valencia
Vector-Tiles Discussion around Vector Tiles implementations
Vietnam Vietnam Chapter Discussion
Webcom Web Site Committee (WebCom) mailing list
WebGL WebGL for Geospatial Applications discussion
Webmap-discuss [no description available]
Wps-discuss Web Processing Service Discussions
Www_international-discuss Discussion on how to improve international networking
Yukon [no description available]
ZOO-discuss [no description available]
ZOO-PSC [no description available]

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