December 2010 Archives by subject
Starting: Wed Dec 1 02:17:59 EDT 2010
Ending: Fri Dec 31 18:56:44 EDT 2010
Messages: 363
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3275: No delete mulitple classes
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3276: Move reuse last values for
digitizing to attribute dialog.
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3277: Master Transparency for vector
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3278: Explode selected features
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3279: symbology: mark only first or last
vertex on line
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3280: The freehand and polygon selection
tools select all features within the bounding box of the shape
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3281: RasterCalc crashes QGIS
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3282: after running r.watershed,
whena clicking on "view output" is thrown an error message,
but the map is added in any case
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3283: Relative path support bug for
delimited text provider
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3284: Wrapping long labels
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3285: Bug when selecting multiple layers
in a WMS
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3286: Qgis segfaults instanciating
QgsComposition from python
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3287: Areas and distances are not
correct when using
the Google Mercator Projection and the Open Layers Plugin
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3288: Enable stacked layers selection
for "Simplify Feature"
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3289: Dock "Simplify Feature"
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3290: Ref. IGNF:LAMB93 not shown in
recently used SRS
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3291: when digitizing,
show vertexes of the layer, you catch from
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3292: Make icon for expandable toolbar
buttons more obvious
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3293: QGIS with PostgreSQL
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3294: Node tool not working well
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3295: SVG images rasterized when
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3296: Areas and length from field
calculator are different to derived or measuared results,
when on the fly projection is on
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3297: Add projectSaved() signal to the
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3298: Rule-based renderer: if rule does
not use correct case, "test" succeeds, but no features are rendered
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3299: Crash loading Mapinfo tab file with
non-spatial features
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3300: new labeling should be saved in
the qml file
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3301: QGis 1.6.0-1 Standalone Installer
for Snow Leopard crash at startup
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3302: identify feature tool option to
show all layer infos expanded
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3303: Expression builder for rule based
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3304: Layer invisible while rearranging
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3305: lat and lon swapped in WMS 1.3.0
GetMap request?
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3306: Remove Bob Bruce's Repository from
Plugin Installer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3307: Plugin Installer declines to
update plugin
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3308: Edit UI: comboboxes and spinboxes
doesn't show the feature's current value
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3309: Plugin Installer indicates success
after update failure
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3310: Missing methods in
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3311: SPIT dialog should use monospaced
font when showing output from PostGIS
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3312: Error while save as SQLite into
folder with cyrillic symbols
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3313: Cannot edit attributes in selected
shapefiles (r14844 on Windows XP)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3314: Node tool does not allow
multiple-selection when geometry is invalid
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3315: editing the attribute table
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3316: Implement logical operators for
raster calculator
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3317: ftools, datamanagement,
merge to one crash qigs 1.6
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3318: OGR converter and MySQL
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3319: Saving shapefile as AutoCAD dxf
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3320: Delimited text plugin causes crash
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3321: Crash when adding vector layer data
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3322: new symbology: allow ordering of
classes by clicking on the "value" or "label" header
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3323: new labels: striketrough and
underline font styles do not work
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3324: Added offset X and Y to font marker
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3325: Crash when using graduated
renderer in Jenks mode with classes >= amount of data
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3326: Symbolization - Applying/OK new
symbol qualities
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3327: new symbology: saving a style with
style "dash dot dot" results in a style with border style "solid"
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3328: button "selection tool" does not
enable to switch the mode
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3329: Error for postgres's provider when
table(statement SELECT ) is outside public's schema
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3330: Bug: Glitches in Pretty Breaks
graduated rendering
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3331: GdalTools: add utilities for
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3332: GdalTools: define extent for grid
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3333: GdalTools: strange responsivenes
of multiple files selector
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3334: Marker line renders wrong on
rotate with line.
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3335: SPIT converts null dates to
invalid values
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3336: measurement tools for Mars
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3337: Query Builder's data sampler
doesn't use original dataset
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3338: zonal statistics
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3339: Enhancement: "add layer" button
for composer legend
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3340: Raster clipper: shifted results
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3341: GRASS MASK only vizualized for
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3342: exists twice in
GRASS toolbox
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3343: segfault loading more wms layers
into a raster layer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3344: SQL Anywhere - Missing strings for
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3345: Bug: Spacing is messed up in
composer labels
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3346: Bug: composer legend - symbols and
labels are not vertically aligned
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3347: Search query should warn when a
column does not exist (instead of saying 0 matching features)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3348: GDAL TIFF dataset masking not
fully supported
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3349: Histogram is wrong if raster has
negative values
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3350: Histogram: let the user set min,
max in x axis
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3351: Histogram: let the user browse x
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3352: shapely in the standalone installer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3353: GRASS man pages missing in Windows
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3354: Creating a new project with all
layers from
current project disabled doesn't show Save/Discard/Cancel message
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3355: OSGeo4W setup,
avira pro reports possible malware
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3356: Error when spatialite select
statement returns only one field
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3357: Qgis always uses http cache for
WMS-C with rendering caching OFF
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3358: WFS-T: insufficient decimal places
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3359: Installer crashes on MAC OS
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3360: avcimport program missing from
osgeo4w package
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3361: Enhancement: raster edge detection
and snapping for digitisation and georeferencing
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3362: fTools: different defaults for
latlong and metric SRS
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3363: Crash when opening GRASS raster
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3364: Crash when loading a GRASS vector
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3365: Query Builder dialog expands
larger than screen
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3366:
QgsVectorLayer.committedFeaturesRemoved causes crash in Python
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3367: zoom to full extent doesn't work
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3368: QGIS 1.6.0 won't run: QHashData in
QtCore4.dll on Windows machine
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3369: Annotations disappear
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3370: Support style self-load for
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3371: Random points is terribly slow
with complex features
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3372: QGIS 1.6.0 won't run:
_Z10qAllocMoreii in QtCore4.dll on Windows machine
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3373: fTools buffer geoprocessing error
with certain data
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3374: Lose "id" field when saving vector
in GeoJSON
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3375: print composer: create mapbooks
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3376: CMake cannot find GDAL or GEOS
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3377: ogr layer converter: converting
kml file causes QGIS to crash
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #3378: Appears PyQt 4.8.2 now wraps QSet
which causes a SIP error during compilation
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1380: No Data values are counted as
values in the histogram
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2166: with render caching enabled
the overview goes wild
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2166: with render caching enabled
the overview goes wild
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2166: with render caching enabled
the overview goes wild
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2166: with render caching enabled
the overview goes wild
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2219: It's impossible to edit
vertices in GPX layers (was: It's impossible to edit GPX layers)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2575: r.proj unusable?
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2600: OSM plugin: layers in temp
folders and
qgis messages when opening a project that includes osm data
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2600: OSM plugin: layers in temp
folders and
qgis messages when opening a project that includes osm data
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2635: Size of the symbols change
when exporting to image
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2664: MarkerLine on vertex of the
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2714: Crash when resizing map window
with Qt 4.6
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2714: Crash when resizing map window
with Qt 4.6
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2722: New symbology : allow advanced
outline modification in a polygon style
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2733: fTools Add geometry column
fails to add
XCOORD if source is GPX file or PostGIS Layer (was: fTools Add
geometry column fails to add XCOORD if source is GPX file)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2818: Rule-based render categories
not showing in layer or composer legends
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2818: Rule-based render categories
not showing in layer or composer legends
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2818: Rule-based render categories
not showing in layer or composer legends
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2861: new symbology: (overall)
slider missing for categorized/graduated symbology (was: new
symbology: transparency of categorized/graduated symbology does
not work)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2861: new symbology: (overall)
transparency slider missing for categorized/graduated symbology
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2865: QGIS crashes if border style
differ from Solid Line and scale is very high
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2865: QGIS crashes if border style
differ from Solid Line and scale is very high
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2865: QGIS crashes if border style
differ from Solid Line and scale is very high
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2866: Polygon looks like filled if
set border style differ from Solid Line
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2866: Polygon looks like filled if
set border style differ from Solid Line
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2866: Polygon looks like filled if
set border style differ from Solid Line
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2866: Polygon looks like filled if
set border style differ from Solid Line
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2866: Polygon looks like filled if
set border style differ from Solid Line
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2866: Polygon looks like filled if
set border style differ from Solid Line
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2866: Polygon looks like filled if
set border style differ from Solid Line
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2905: New symbology: button for fill
with random colors
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2938: Add advance selection tools to
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2941: GDALTools - Grid: allow for
more control of the output
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2954: Would be useful to be able to
position text away from points
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2954: Would be useful to be able to
position text away from points
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2980: new symbology: line
decorations do not resize when units are map units
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2983: New Gamma Parameter For
Oblique mercator Not Accepted
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3003: qGIS crashes when changing
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3003: qGIS crashes when changing
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3004: DXF is offered as a "Save as"
option, but doesn't work
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3014: old symbology vector legend
symbols do not show anymore under qgis-trunk
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3019: Enable symbology with KML
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3019: Enable symbology with KML
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3019: Enable symbology with KML
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3030: Query Builder in Properties
produces "Query Failed"
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3030: Query Builder in Properties
produces "Query Failed"
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3058: print composer: exporting to
PDF does not
resize correctly vectors if symbology is in mm. Works fine if
units are map units.
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3064: GdalTools: add gdaldem adn
other new GDAL tools (was: GdalTools: add gdaldem)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3064: GdalTools: add gdaldem and
other new GDAL
tools (was: GdalTools: add gdaldem adn other new GDAL tools)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3064: GdalTools: add gdaldem and
other new GDAL tools
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3066: GdalTools: clipping based on a
shapefile mask
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3066: GdalTools: clipping based on a
shapefile mask
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3095: Gdal-tools: create virtual
catalog with recurse scan of dirs
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3139: [Patch] Custom query for the
spatialite provider
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3139: [Patch] Custom query for the
spatialite provider
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3139: [Patch] Custom query for the
spatialite provider
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3139: [Patch] Custom query for the
spatialite provider
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3159: invalid geometry in python
console crashes qgis
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3180: VRT files missing 2 lines for
each layer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3180: VRT files missing 2 lines for
each layer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3180: VRT files missing 2 lines for
each layer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3180: VRT files missing 2 lines for
each layer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3180: VRT files missing 2 lines for
each layer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3193: Bug when trying to change
Thematic Maps Colors
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3222: Fast,
easy and beautiful on the fly rule-based rendering of OSM maps
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3222: Fast,
easy and beautiful on the fly rule-based rendering of OSM maps
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3222: Fast,
easy and beautiful on the fly rule-based rendering of OSM maps
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3222: Fast,
easy and beautiful on the fly rule-based rendering of OSM maps
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3222: Fast,
easy and beautiful on the fly rule-based rendering of OSM maps
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3222: Fast,
easy and beautiful on the fly rule-based rendering of OSM maps
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3222: Fast,
easy and beautiful on the fly rule-based rendering of OSM maps
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3222: Fast,
easy and beautiful on the fly rule-based rendering of OSM maps
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3222: Fast,
easy and beautiful on the fly rule-based rendering of OSM maps
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3222: Fast,
easy and beautiful on the fly rule-based rendering of OSM maps
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3224: SVG export scales page content
(but not page size) to 333.3% of what it should be.
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3224: SVG export scales page content
(but not page size) to 333.3% of what it should be.
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3224: SVG export scales page content
(but not page size) to 333.3% of what it should be.
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3240: [PATCH] Improve Measure tool
(measure on ellipsoid)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3240: [PATCH] Improve Measure tool
(measure on ellipsoid)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3245: support for named WMS groups
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3245: support for named WMS groups
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3245: support for named WMS groups
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3245: support for named WMS groups
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3245: support for named WMS groups
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3250: Vector layers printed/exported
as rasters, even when "Print as Raster" is unchecked
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3253: Enhancement: option to "trim
other layers to match"
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3254: GdalTools - Managing render
flag in batch tools
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3258: Add "Topological edit"
checkbox to the new snapping window
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3259: Delimited text enhancement -
use WKT column
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3270: NEW Symbology - Transparent
polygons are not transparent when selected
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3270: NEW Symbology - Transparent
polygons are not transparent when selected
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3270: NEW Symbology - Transparent
polygons are not transparent when selected
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3270: NEW Symbology - Transparent
polygons are not transparent when selected
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3275: Allow multiple class selection
in new symbology (was: No delete mulitple classes)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3277: Master Transparency for vector
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3278: Explode selected features
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3278: Explode selected features
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3279: symbology: mark only first or
last vertex on line
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3279: symbology: mark only first or
last vertex on line
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3280: The freehand and polygon
selection tools
select all features within the bounding box of the shape
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3280: The freehand and polygon
selection tools
select all features within the bounding box of the shape
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3280: The freehand and polygon
selection tools
select all features within the bounding box of the shape
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3280: The freehand and polygon
selection tools
select all features within the bounding box of the shape
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3281: RasterCalc crashes QGIS
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3281: RasterCalc crashes QGIS
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3281: RasterCalc crashes QGIS
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3283: Relative path support bug for
delimited text provider
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3283: Relative path support bug for
delimited text provider
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3283: Relative path support bug for
delimited text provider
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3283: Relative path support bug for
delimited text provider
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3285: Bug when selecting multiple
layers in a WMS
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3286: Qgis segfaults instanciating
QgsComposition from python
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3286: Qgis segfaults instanciating
QgsComposition from python
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3286: Qgis segfaults instanciating
QgsComposition from python
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3286: Qgis segfaults instanciating
QgsComposition from python
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3292: Make icon for expandable
toolbar buttons more obvious
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3292: Make icon for expandable
toolbar buttons more obvious
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3293: QGIS with PostgreSQL
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3293: QGIS with PostgreSQL
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3295: SVG images rasterized when
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3295: SVG images rasterized when
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3295: SVG images rasterized when
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3295: SVG images rasterized when
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3295: SVG images rasterized when
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3296: Areas and length from field
calculator are different to derived or measuared results,
when on the fly projection is on
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3296: Areas and length from field
calculator are different to derived or measuared results,
when on the fly projection is on
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3296: Areas and length from field
calculator are different to derived or measuared results,
when on the fly projection is on
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3296: Areas and length from field
calculator are different to derived or measuared results,
when on the fly projection is on
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3297: Add projectSaved() signal to
the QgisInterface
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3297: Add projectSaved() signal to
the QgisInterface
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3297: Add projectSaved() signal to
the QgisInterface
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3297: Add projectSaved() signal to
the QgisInterface
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3297: Add projectSaved() signal to
the QgisInterface
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3298: Rule-based renderer: if rule
does not use
correct case, "test" succeeds, but no features are rendered
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3298: Rule-based renderer: if rule
does not use
correct case, "test" succeeds, but no features are rendered
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3298: Rule-based renderer: if rule
does not use
correct case, "test" succeeds, but no features are rendered
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3298: Rule-based renderer: if rule
does not use
correct case, "test" succeeds, but no features are rendered
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3298: Rule-based renderer: if rule
does not use
correct case, "test" succeeds, but no features are rendered
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3298: Rule-based renderer: if rule
does not use
correct case, "test" succeeds, but no features are rendered
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3300: new labeling should be saved
in the qml file
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3301: QGis 1.6.0-1 Standalone
Installer for Snow Leopard crash at startup
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3301: QGis 1.6.0-1 Standalone
Installer for Snow Leopard crash at startup
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3301: QGis 1.6.0-1 Standalone
Installer for Snow Leopard crash at startup
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3301: QGis 1.6.0-1 Standalone
Installer for Snow Leopard crash at startup
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3303: Expression builder for rule
based styling.
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3303: Expression builder for rule
based styling.
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3303: Expression builder for rule
based styling.
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3304: Layer invisible while
rearranging legend
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3306: Remove Bob Bruce's Repository
from Plugin Installer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3306: Remove Bob Bruce's Repository
from Plugin Installer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3306: Remove Bob Bruce's Repository
from Plugin Installer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3307: Plugin Installer declines to
update plugin
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3307: Plugin Installer declines to
update plugin
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3308: Edit UI: either comboboxes and
don't show the feature's current value (was: Edit UI: comboboxes
and spinboxes doesn't show the feature's current value)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3308: Edit UI: either comboboxes and
spinboxes don't show the feature's current value
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3308: Edit UI: either comboboxes and
spinboxes don't show the feature's current value
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3309: Plugin Installer can't guess
the plugin
version (was: Plugin Installer indicates success after update
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3310: Missing methods in
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3314: Node tool does not allow
multiple-selection when geometry is invalid
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3316: Implement logical operators
for raster calculator
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3317: ftools, datamanagement,
merge to one crash qigs 1.6
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3319: Saving shapefile as AutoCAD dxf
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3320: Delimited text plugin causes
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3320: Delimited text plugin causes
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3322: new symbology: allow ordering
of classes by clicking on the "value" or "label" header
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3322: new symbology: allow ordering
of classes by clicking on the "value" or "label" header
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3322: new symbology: allow ordering
of classes by clicking on the "value" or "label" header
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3322: new symbology: allow ordering
of classes by clicking on the "value" or "label" header
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3323: new labels: striketrough and
underline font styles do not work
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3324: Added offset X and Y to font
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3324: Added offset X and Y to font
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3325: Crash when using graduated
renderer in Jenks mode with classes >= amount of data
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3325: Crash when using graduated
renderer in Jenks mode with classes >= amount of data
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3326: Symbolization - Applying/OK
new symbol qualities
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3326: Symbolization - Applying/OK
new symbol qualities
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3326: Symbolization - Applying/OK
new symbol qualities
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3326: Symbolization - Applying/OK
new symbol qualities
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3326: Symbolization - Applying/OK
new symbol qualities
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3327: new symbology: saving a style
with border
style "dash dot dot" results in a style with border style "solid"
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3328: button "selection tool" does
not enable to switch the mode
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3328: button "selection tool" does
not enable to switch the mode
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3328: button "selection tool" does
not enable to switch the mode
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3328: button "selection tool" does
not enable to switch the mode
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3329: Error for postgres's provider
when table(statement SELECT ) is outside public's schema
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3329: Error for postgres's provider
when table(statement SELECT ) is outside public's schema
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3329: Error for postgres's provider
when table(statement SELECT ) is outside public's schema
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3329: Error for postgres's provider
when table(statement SELECT ) is outside public's schema
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3329: Error for postgres's provider
when table(statement SELECT ) is outside public's schema
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3329: Error for postgres's provider
when table(statement SELECT ) is outside public's schema
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3330: Bug: Glitches in Pretty Breaks
graduated rendering
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3332: GdalTools: define extent for
grid analyses
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3332: GdalTools: define extent for
grid analyses (was: GdalTools: define extent for grid analisys)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3334: Marker line renders wrong on
rotate with line.
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3334: Marker line renders wrong on
rotate with line.
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3336: measurement tools for Mars
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3338: zonal statistics
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3338: zonal statistics
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3338: zonal statistics
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3338: zonal statistics
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3338: zonal statistics
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3338: zonal statistics
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3339: Enhancement: "add layer"
button for composer legend
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3339: Enhancement: "add layer"
button for composer legend
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3339: Enhancement: "add layer"
button for composer legend
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3339: Enhancement: "add layer"
button for composer legend
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3339: Enhancement: "add layer"
button for composer legend
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3340: Raster clipper: shifted results
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3340: Raster clipper: shifted results
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3343: segfault loading more wms
layers into a raster layer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3343: segfault loading more wms
layers into a raster layer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3343: segfault loading more wms
layers into a raster layer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3344: SQL Anywhere - Missing strings
for translation
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3345: Bug: Spacing is messed up in
composer labels
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3345: Bug: Spacing is messed up in
composer labels
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3345: Bug: Spacing is messed up in
composer labels
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3345: Bug: Spacing is messed up in
composer labels
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3345: Bug: Spacing is messed up in
composer labels
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3345: Bug: Spacing is messed up in
composer labels
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3345: Bug: Spacing is messed up in
composer labels
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3348: GDAL TIFF dataset masking not
fully supported
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3352: shapely in the standalone
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3352: shapely in the standalone
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3353: GRASS man pages missing in
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3354: Creating a new project with
all layers
from current project disabled doesn't show Save/Discard/Cancel
message box.
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3355: OSGeo4W setup,
avira pro reports possible malware
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3356: Error when spatialite select
statement returns only one field
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3357: Qgis always uses http cache
for WMS-C with rendering caching OFF
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3358: WFS-T: insufficient decimal
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3358: WFS-T: insufficient decimal
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3359: Installer crashes on MAC OS
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3359: Installer crashes on MAC OS
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3360: avcimport program missing from
osgeo4w package
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3361: Enhancement: raster edge
detection and snapping for digitisation and georeferencing
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3362: fTools: different defaults for
latlong and metric SRS
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3363: Crash when opening GRASS
raster properties
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3364: Crash when loading a GRASS
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3366:
QgsVectorLayer.committedFeaturesRemoved causes crash in Python
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3366:
QgsVectorLayer.committedFeaturesRemoved causes crash in Python
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3366:
QgsVectorLayer.committedFeaturesRemoved causes crash in Python
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3368: QGIS 1.6.0 won't run:
QHashData in QtCore4.dll on Windows machine
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3368: QGIS 1.6.0 won't run:
QHashData in QtCore4.dll on Windows machine
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3368: QGIS 1.6.0 won't run:
QHashData in QtCore4.dll on Windows machine
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3369: Annotations disappear
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3369: Annotations disappear
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3369: Annotations disappear
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3370: Support style self-load for
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3371: Random points is terribly slow
with complex features
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3372: QGIS 1.6.0 won't run:
_Z10qAllocMoreii in QtCore4.dll on Windows machine
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3373: fTools buffer geoprocessing
error with certain data
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3373: fTools buffer geoprocessing
error with certain data
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3374: Lose "id" field when saving
vector in GeoJSON
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3374: Lose "id" field when saving
vector in GeoJSON
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3374: Lose "id" field when saving
vector in GeoJSON
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3375: print composer: create mapbooks
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3376: CMake cannot find GDAL or GEOS
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3376: CMake cannot find GDAL or GEOS
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3376: CMake cannot find GDAL or GEOS
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3377: ogr layer converter:
converting kml file causes QGIS to crash
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #3378: Appears PyQt 4.8.2 now wraps
QSet which causes a SIP error during compilation
Quantum GIS
Last message date:
Fri Dec 31 18:56:44 EDT 2010
Archived on: Fri Dec 31 18:56:46 EDT 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).