December 2009 Archives by thread
Starting: Tue Dec 1 11:51:58 EDT 2009
Ending: Thu Dec 31 16:55:17 EDT 2009
Messages: 652
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2170: spatialite problems with reserved
word column name
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2144: Grass Raster Loading causes
Access Violation - 1.3.0 Mimas
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2078: [Windows] adding a GRASS
raster created with r.external crashes QGIS
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2117: if units are in degrees,
map scale is wrong in print composer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2171: Vertex markes do not show when
editing a vector with new symbology
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1680: New GRASS shell does not
display command gui
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2117: if units are in degrees,
map scale is wrong in print composer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1680: New GRASS shell does not
display command gui
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2169: improve identify tool
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2172: Crash when classifying with
'graduated' renderer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2173: Crash in python console when
renderer changes
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2174: Crashes when switching field
column with "New Symbology"
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #777: crashes with python reference
to destroyed
objects (e.g exportToWkt() crashes when geom has been deleted)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #777: crashes with python reference
to destroyed
objects (e.g exportToWkt() crashes when geom has been deleted)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1958: crash when digitizing on MacOS
X Leopard
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2169: improve identify tool
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2175: GUI: Hourglass cursor for
OK/Cancel dialog
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1958: [OS X] crash when digitizing
on MacOS X Leopard with snapping tolerance > 0
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2118: OGR converter: add filters for
file names
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2176: OGR converter: CSV export is broken
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2177: OGR converter: CSV export is broken
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2178: Spatialite VIEWs give ERROR in
attribute table
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1929: transparency of 0 value do not
apply to GDAL virtual rasters (vrt)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2179: Cannot connect to any spatialite
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1568: some properties menu items do
nothing if certain legend elements selected
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2180: Support Buffered / Framed labels
and callout labels
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1568: some properties menu items do
nothing if certain legend elements selected
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1568: some properties menu items do
nothing if certain legend elements selected
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2148: shapefile layers disappear
when enabling reprojection
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2148: shapefile layers disappear
when enabling reprojection
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1568: some properties menu items do
nothing if certain legend elements selected
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2181: "add to overview" menu item does
not work
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2182: Selective display of categorised
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2148: shapefile layers disappear
when enabling reprojection
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1977: spatialite layers disappear
when enabling reprojection
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1568: some properties menu items do
nothing if certain legend elements selected
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1568: some properties menu items do
nothing if certain legend elements selected
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2183: Transparency missing in new vector
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2184: new labels: with OTFR enabled
labels do not show in map canvas
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2185: Create QgsLegendInterface for the
qgis API
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2047: Spatialite layers fail to
render after performing identify
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2186: "New Symbology" button logic is
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2187: "Could not commit changes to
layer..." and
"duplicate key value violates..." errors when committing changes
in postgis/spatialite
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2188: Merging of multipolygons
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2189: Map Server Export - POSTGIS data
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1880: expose symbol map of unique
value renderer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1906: Set focus on OK button on
loading vector layers
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2156: fixes for Windows - MinGW gcc
4.4.0 compiler
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2192: Identifying an holed polygon
selects the whole area
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1880: expose symbol map of unique
value renderer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2193: Composer legend update "all"
button not funcional
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2194: Icons missing from GRASS toolbox
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2195: DXF2SHP converter plugin
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2196: terrain analysis plugin: slope
does not work
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2197: NVIZ crashes if a color layer is
not selected
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2198: db.out.ogr broken
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2167: "hide all layers" and "show
all layers" doesn't work
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2199: Strikethrough font
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2167: "hide all layers" and "show
all layers" doesn't work
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2200: new symbology: vector disappear
from canvas
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1616: v.kernel and
overwriting and not showing results
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2201: shapefiles: problem with subset
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #836: QGIS/GRASS import via should only import pre selected layer features
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #836: QGIS/GRASS import via should only import pre selected layer features
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #782: color ramps for vector
graduated symbols and raster layers (pseudocolor and classified)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2202: UI's glitches when using the FR
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2203: GPS Tools: spaces in Output File
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1917: [Vista] GRASS module v.out.*
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2204: Crashing QGIS when calculating
standard deviations for an ECW is fatal
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2032: OSM window don't close
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2053: Qgis segfaults when starting
on Karmic
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1978: QGIS take ages to open big
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2023: attribute table fails to
display all rows after editing vector layer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2023: attribute table fails to
display all rows after editing vector layer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2023: attribute table fails to
display all rows after editing vector layer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2167: "hide all layers" and "show
all layers" doesn't work
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2161: Symbology level settings not
saved in project file
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2157: Option for additional SVG
paths doesn't work with new symbology
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1912: area not null for symbols with
value zero
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2205: Symbology size field should not be
limited to 4 numbers with 2 decimals
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1912: area not null for symbols with
value zero
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #440: Don't display the qgis window
on a second monitor that isn't present
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #926: identify tool: features
highlited wrong when a polygon inside a polygon is presnt
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2082: Map Composer: Legend not
loading from template
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2043: Merging multi-polygon-features
on PostGIS fails
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2168: Identify tool: and highlighted
becomes un-highlighted when the "select features" tool is activated
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2145: Cannot Open Flightgear Airport
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2206: Highlight a feature does not
disappear when Identify pop-up window is closed
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2207: Print Composer's "Refresh view"
button doesn't work
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2023: attribute table fails to
display all rows after editing vector layer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2208: "Delimited text" plugin doesn't
allow to load csv file with field with commas
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2209: QGIS is crashed if picture search
directories contained *.qgs file
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2210: fTools: Select by location works
only within current extent
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2211: Georeferencing warp dialog
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2212: Labels don't fit into button
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2213: Buffer labels option works
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2214: georeferencer windows passes
behind qgis main window when choosing points from canvas
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1650: Attribute table / delete rows
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2215: eVis plugin not displaying
attributes in viewer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2216: "Select Feature" doesn't work with
polygon without filling
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2217: New vector layer rewrites already
existing layer with the same name
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2218: Map panning changes the scale
which displayed at status bar
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2219: It's impossible to edit GPX layers
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1650: Attribute table / delete rows
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2223: Unreadable error messages (PostGIS
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2224: reshape tool crashes qgis (shapes,
postgis, spatialite)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2224: reshape tool crashes qgis
(shapes, postgis, spatialite)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2224: reshape tool doesn't work with
a particular vector layer (shape, postgis, spatialite)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2224: reshape tool doesn't work with
a particular vector layer (shape, postgis, spatialite)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2224: reshape tool doesn't work with
a particular vector layer (shape, postgis, spatialite)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2224: reshape tool doesn't work with
a particular vector layer (shape, postgis, spatialite)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2224: reshape tool doesn't work with
a particular vector layer (shape, postgis, spatialite)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1911: Postgis Manager errors when
"loading from" or "dumping to" shapefiles
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2225: Regular expressions suport for
field calculator
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2220: Reshape Features works
incorrectly with rings(?): shapes differs from postgis/spatialite
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2227: GPS Tools: "Import other file"
doesn't work
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2228: GPS Tools: "GPX Conversions"
doesn't work
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2229: Adding memory option for
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2230: Vertex markers are displayed at
Print Composer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2231: No warnings when connection
settings overwrites
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2232: No warnings when open not existing
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2099: The "delete part" and "delete
ring" tools
work with a sensibility that is taken from the "search radius for
vertex edits" configuration. Feature or bug?
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2233: Raster Layer Properties for WMS
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1912: area not null for symbols with
value zero
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2049: Choosing Move Item Content in
the print composer override Lock Layers
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2234: fTools: Export to new projection
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2159: Page Setup menu item for Mac
os printing
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2235: Query Builder returns incorrect
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1683: Standard deviations in raster
properties dialog
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2236: Editable fields at Identifiable
layers item
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2237: Attribute table in a dock window
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2238: 'Show selected records only' works
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2239: Right menu shows up after
right-clicked to complete polygon feature
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #975: convert 'Identify Features'
satellite window into Dock-able window/widget
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2240: No Help button in Map Composer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2241: Loosing nodes view when switching
to other tools if feature is not selected
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2242: Symbology issue with selection
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2243: Not accurate extent frame in map
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2244: Prevent intersections - only
switched on layers can be turned on
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2245: Editing record 0 in the table -
edits don't show up until clicked
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2246: Statistic function
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2247: Aborting fetching plugin repos
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2248: Loosing focus after saving table
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2249: Font size in label preview should
not changes when "Font size units: Map units" is selected.
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2250: Gibberish in cyrrilics in Query
builder for SQLite layer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2251: Files with *.tiff extension is not
recognized as GeoTIFF
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2252: Composer: can put letters in
numeric field
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2253: fTools: can put letters in numeric
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2254: Switching from palette to palette
in Style manager - max number of colors
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1773: Problems when changing the
cell values on the first row of attribute table
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1773: Problems when editing record 0
in the table of attributes
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2023: attribute table fails to
display all rows after editing vector layer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2023: attribute table fails to
display all rows after editing vector layer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2255: Identified polygon stay on
previous place when CRS is changed
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2256: Identifying is more quicker than
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2257: Identify tool save previous state
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2258: Attribute table issues
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2259: 'Add values from display' doesn't
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2260: fTools: Singleparts to multipart
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2261: digitizing when a project is saved
with new symbology results in a crash
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2262: fTools: Check geometry validity
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1075: Enhance Classify feature in
vector's Gradient Symbol and Continuous Color symbology
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2263: Identify results in a dock window
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1238: increase the precision of
lines/outlines size settings in Symbology
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1086: Don't change active layer when
adding new layer if identify tool is used
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1503: Impose color gradient on
unique vector symbol classification
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2264: Identify and Select features tools
are inaccurate
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2265: The tool for configure selection
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2266: Untranslatable string: 'New
polygon ring not disjoint with existing polygons'
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2267: There are two GIF at file type list
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2268: Raster Layer is not displayed
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2269: The layer does not open if source
dataset typed manually
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2270: issues with "add ring" and "add
part" tools (in shapefiles)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2271: print composer large format A0
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2272: print composer load vrom template
- qpt don`t work correct
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2137: Wrong ID provided to the
PostGIS on save
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1978: QGIS take ages to open big
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2003: crash when refreshing layer
list if this contains unclean vectors
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2082: Map Composer: Legend not
loading from template
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2273: patch to have a single window icon
on Microsoft Windows
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2274: Button 'delete feature' of
attribute table doesn't have pop-up hint
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1957: Use right-click drag for
panning and center on mouse pointer on wheel-zooming
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2275: Layer units and measuring
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2276: Databases GUI issues
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2277: fix for CopyrightLabel position
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2278: improvement for Pan map tool -
click to center
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2279: Wrong request to WMS server when
reprojecting used
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2280: Improve usability of batch import
of vector layers
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2281: wrong/useless values added to the
"undo/redo" stack
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2282: Integrate a spin box in simplify
tool dialog
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #660: Shortcut key to stop snap
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2283: node tool/select features tool do
not have effects on a shapefile
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #999: Legend "Show file groups"
toggle state not synched with project file
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #361: "Add as group" option for add
data dialog
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2046: -c option missing in
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1989: v.distance should have radio
buttons, not checkboxes
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2004: does not have a
directory browser button
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2284: Import all OGR layers in a folder
as distinct GRASS vectors
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2285: labels
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2286: Opening saved project contained
OpenMap datas make QGIS crashing
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2287: Undo/redo panel should empty on
editing turned off
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2288: Italian translation for "Undo" in
menu edit
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2289: Category in debian/qgis.desktop is
Education instead of Science
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2290: Trojan detected
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2291: Reshape Features tool crashes on
right mouse click
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2130: problem with render caching
(disabled) after using the field calculator
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1912: [PATCH] area not null for
symbols with value zero
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2292: qgis saves .SHP file as .shp
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2293: Default styles for spatialite
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1911: Postgis Manager errors when
"loading from" or "dumping to" shapefiles
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2294: help dialogs don't woks on osx
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2295: valuet tool plug-in dont works as
aspected on osx
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1786: SVG symbols don't highlight
when selected
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2296: PostGIS new connection SSLmode
options in wrong order
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2297: XML parsing slows down WFS and GML
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2134: node tool does not warn when
search radius tolerance is too low
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2146: PostGres connection exposes
username and password
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #747: importing 3D geom into PostGIS
via SPIT plugin
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2146: PostGres connection exposes
username and password
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1116: Symlinks in plugin directory
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1437: improve dxf plugin
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1930: OSM layer has missing road
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2055: OSM plugin: incorrect BBOX
values used on data download
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2298: let default raster format be tiff,
not VRT
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2117: if units are in degrees,
map scale is wrong in print composer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2191: Attribute table: edit text
window size not matching column width
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1442: system specific location of
qgis settings
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1442: system specific location of
qgis settings
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1449: The map and overview canvas
resizes incorrectly
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2098: OSM plugin: data not displayed
if a .osm.db file already exists
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2054: OSM plugin: tags/values not
deleted on upload
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1930: OSM layer has missing road
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1975: ability to create legend
groups via the QGis api
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2299: Difference between maximum width
of attribute fields
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2226: postgis manager: python error
when importing dbf data
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1958: [OS X] crash when digitizing
on MacOS X Leopard with snapping tolerance > 0
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2300: Rendering of GRASS RGB composites
takes ages
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #747: importing 3D geom into PostGIS
via SPIT plugin
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2166: with render caching enabled
the overview goes wild
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2301: problem when editing adjacent
polygons and "enable toplogical editing" not active
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2302: render caching places map in wrong
place when re-enabling
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2303: Dislaying raster in a Location
with undefined projection causes QGIS to crash
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2304: In GRASS plugin,
r.water.outlet is not working
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2191: Attribute table: edit text
window size not matching column width
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2305: The attribute table doesn't
refresh after editing when it contains only one row.
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2191: Attribute table: edit text
window size not matching column width
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1773: Problems when editing record 0
in the table of attributes
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2044: Field Calculator Problem
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2306: Diagram overlay: GUI unclear
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2307: Edit widget not working correctly
( show first value instead of the correct one)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2308: Field Calculator Order of
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2309: vrt nodata is ignored when setting
min/max value by current extent
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2310: Qgis icon in dock on OSX is low
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2311: Print composer template creates
identically named composer items
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2220: Reshape Features works
incorrectly with rings(?): shapes differs from postgis/spatialite
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2312: Legend tooltips missing in OS X
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #7: WMS Provider obtained in
QgsWMSSourceSelect should be passed to QgsRasterLayer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2313: Node tool: new nodes are not shown
until saving changes or moving the feature
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2315: QGIS exceptions does not support
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2316: Compilation error parsing SIP files
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2317: Identify tool breaks work flow
when no feature selected
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2314: No such slot
QgsLegendLayer::updateLegendItem() warnings when add/create Vector
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2028: [Vista] GRASS plugin crashes
QGIS when running the r.colors, r.null, v.dissolve modules
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2318: Old simbology: unique value
doesn't save the size based on map unit
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2130: problem with render caching
(disabled) after using the field calculator
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2164: GEOCRS_ID value in qgis.h
needs updating to current internal ID
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2319: Symbology-ng and map composer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2320: Multi-map print composer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2321: Label-ng composer
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2322: make postgis password optional
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2323: Long projection strings inflate
the window
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2324: Vector - Sum lines length crashes
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2325: Quantum GIS 1.3.0 crashes on
attempt to open 1.0.2 Kore project (.qgs) file in Ubuntu 9.10
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2093: Provide configuration options
for new project (map) CRS and OTFR
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2326: Define Current Projection in
fTools fails
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2093: Provide configuration options
for new project (map) CRS and OTFR
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2093: Provide configuration options
for new project (map) CRS and OTFR
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1984: QGIS Doesn't send VERSION
parameter on WMS getCapabilities request
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2093: Provide configuration options
for new project (map) CRS and OTFR
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2327: Vector GRASS mapsets stored in the
folder with cyrrilics cannot be loaded
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1904: GRASS plugin crashes QGIS
trying to open location from folder with cyrillics
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1028: Debian package on life support
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1586: status of QGIS SONAMEs
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1953: Missing copyright in CMake
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2021: [FreeBSD] problem compiling
Qgis with grass. Kpty.c qtermwidget
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2026: Oracle connection fails
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1967: no version information
available for some libs
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1963: "Ghost Lines" when using
polygons with shared boundaries, and no outline/QT::NoPen
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #777: crashes with python reference
to destroyed
objects (e.g exportToWkt() crashes when geom has been deleted)
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2009: OGR Database Connection MySQL
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2040: Connecting to PostgreSQL via
OGR could use default username
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1957: Use right-click drag for
panning and center on mouse pointer on wheel-zooming
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2019: access to actions from
attribute table - gone
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2022: docked table widget stays
after removing the layer from map legend
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2065: 'Show selected records only'
not refreshing table at selection change
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2081: different rotation of symbol
and label
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2024: Add Raster
Stretching/Enhancement based on portion of image in current window
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2071: Anchor Choice for symbols
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2071: Anchor Choice for symbols
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1984: QGIS Doesn't send VERSION
parameter on WMS getCapabilities request
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2086: Topology level simplify tool
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1967: no version information
available for some libs
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1984: QGIS Doesn't send VERSION
parameter on WMS getCapabilities request
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2022: docked table widget stays
after removing the layer from map legend
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2019: access to actions from
attribute table - gone
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2328: String is missing in i18n files
for QGIS project read error
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2329: Old symbology: unique value
doesn't use the size based on map unit
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2019: access to actions from
attribute table - gone
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2330: Loading missing layer masks
shapefiles in dialog with extraneous information
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2331: Composer legend fails to draw
polygons outline patterns if not solid
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2332: please add +towgs parameters
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2333: Old simbology: Data defined label
placement doesn't work for up and down
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #2051: Rendering issues in 1.3.0
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1963: "Ghost Lines" when using
polygons with shared boundaries, and no outline/QT::NoPen
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2334: g.proj.proj does not work?
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] [Quantum GIS] #2335: r.watershed tries to load
additional wrong maps
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1904: GRASS plugin crashes QGIS
trying to open location from folder with cyrillics
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1904: GRASS plugin crashes QGIS
trying to open location from folder with cyrillics
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1925: GDAL raster import does not
see *.dt1 or *.dt2 DTED files
Quantum GIS
- [QGIS-trac] Re: [Quantum GIS] #1925: GDAL raster import does not
see *.dt1 or *.dt2 DTED files
Quantum GIS
Last message date:
Thu Dec 31 16:55:17 EDT 2009
Archived on: Thu Dec 31 16:55:19 EDT 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).