December 2007 Archives by subject
Starting: Sat Dec 1 07:07:29 EDT 2007
Ending: Mon Dec 31 07:50:57 EDT 2007
Messages: 180
- [Qgis-developer] calling the grass shell
- [Qgis-developer] question about
- [Qgis-developer] [Qgis-doc] Translating large pieces of text
Magnus Homann
- [Qgis-developer] [Qgis-user] GRASS Edit very slow when on the
fly projection enabled
Maciej Sieczka
- [Qgis-developer] [Quantum GIS] #739: GRASS Shell non-functional
in OS X
John C. Tull
- [Qgis-developer] Add new GRASS modules in QGIS
marco.pasetti at
- [Qgis-developer] Add new GRASS modules in QGIS
Paolo Cavallini
- [Qgis-developer] additional software dependencies required by QGIS
for openSUSE 10.2 x86-64
Byambaa Mendbayar
- [Qgis-developer] Buidling DBMS support for Grass and GDAL
Tisham Dhar
- [Qgis-developer] Buidling DBMS support for Grass and GDAL
Benjamin Ducke
- [Qgis-developer] Buidling DBMS support for Grass and GDAL
Leonardo Lami
- [Qgis-developer] Buildbot fails finding qmake
Mateusz Loskot
- [Qgis-developer] commits to the 0.9.1 branch
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [Qgis-developer] commits to the 0.9.1 branch
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [Qgis-developer] Compiling QGis related Application
Murat AHAT
- [Qgis-developer] Compiling QGis related Application
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] Compiling QGis related Application
Murat AHAT
- [Qgis-developer] Compiling QGis related Application
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] DBMS support for Win32
Benjamin Ducke
- [Qgis-developer] DBMS support for Win32
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] Developer Meeting 2007-12-14
Gary Sherman
- [Qgis-developer] extensions to postgis dialog
Hugentobler Marco
- [Qgis-developer] extensions to postgis dialog
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] extensions to postgis dialog
godofredo contreras
- [Qgis-developer] extensions to postgis dialog
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] extensions to postgis dialog
Marco Hugentobler
- [Qgis-developer] extensions to postgis dialog
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] extensions to postgis dialog
Martin Dobias
- [Qgis-developer] extensions to postgis dialog
Marco Hugentobler
- [Qgis-developer] Final Package creation for 0.9.1
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] Final Package creation for 0.9.1
Niccolo Rigacci
- [Qgis-developer] Final Package creation for 0.9.1
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] Final Package creation for 0.9.1
Niccolo Rigacci
- [Qgis-developer] Final Package creation for 0.9.1
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] Final Package creation for 0.9.1
Otto Dassau
- [Qgis-developer] Final Package creation for 0.9.1
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] From Tbilisi, Georgia
- [Qgis-developer] From Tbilisi, Georgia
- [Qgis-developer] From Tbilisi, Georgia
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] From Tbilisi, Georgia
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [Qgis-developer] From Tbilisi, Georgia
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] Fwd: Re: Merging of branches
Marco Hugentobler
- [Qgis-developer] GRASS DBF aND sqlite driver broken in QGIS 0.9.1
lami at
- [Qgis-developer] GRASS DBF driver broken in QGIS 0.9.1 [was:
New Installer for Qgis 0.9.1 for Windows]
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [Qgis-developer] GRASS DBF driver broken in QGIS 0.9.1 [was:
New Installer for Qgis 0.9.1 for Windows]
Maciej Sieczka
- [Qgis-developer] GRASS DBF driver broken in QGIS 0.9.1 [was: New
Installer for Qgis 0.9.1 for Windows]
Maciej Sieczka
- [Qgis-developer] GRASS Edit very slow when on the projection enabled
Maciej Sieczka
- [Qgis-developer] grass plugin issue, #843
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [Qgis-developer] grass plugin issue, #843
Otto Dassau
- [Qgis-developer] help with using pyqt bindings
Martin Dobias
- [Qgis-developer] installation of the qt_xx.qm files
Marco Hugentobler
- [Qgis-developer] installation of the qt_xx.qm files
Tom Elwertowski
- [Qgis-developer] installation of the qt_xx.qm files
Tom Elwertowski
- [Qgis-developer] installation of the qt_xx.qm files
Marco Hugentobler
- [Qgis-developer] Latvian translation for QGIS 0.9.1
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] Make Setup Qgis 0.9.2
le son
- [Qgis-developer] Making an Installer
Tisham Dhar
- [Qgis-developer] Merging of branches
Marco Hugentobler
- [Qgis-developer] Merging of branches
Paolo Cavallini
- [Qgis-developer] Merging of branches
Marco Hugentobler
- [Qgis-developer] Merging of branches
Peter Ersts
- [Qgis-developer] New angular renderer
Magnus Homann
- [Qgis-developer] New angular renderer
Michaël Douchin
- [Qgis-developer] New angular renderer
Magnus Homann
- [Qgis-developer] New angular renderer
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] New angular renderer
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] New angular renderer
Hugentobler Marco
- [Qgis-developer] New angular renderer
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] New angular renderer
Marco Hugentobler
- [Qgis-developer] New angular renderer
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] New Installer for Qgis 0.9.1
tisham at
- [Qgis-developer] New Installer for Qgis 0.9.1
Otto Dassau
- [Qgis-developer] New Installer for Qgis 0.9.1
Leonardo Lami
- [Qgis-developer] New Installer for Qgis 0.9.1
Otto Dassau
- [Qgis-developer] New Installer for Qgis 0.9.1 for
Tisham Dhar
- [Qgis-developer] New Installer for Qgis 0.9.1 for Windows
Leonardo Lami
- [Qgis-developer] New Installer for Qgis 0.9.1 for Windows
Leonardo Lami
- [Qgis-developer] New Installer for Qgis 0.9.1 for Windows
Maciej Sieczka
- [Qgis-developer] Ogr database access design and plans
Martin Dobias
- [Qgis-developer] Ogr database access design and plans
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] Ogr database access design and plans
godofredo contreras
- [Qgis-developer] Ogr database access design and plans
godofredo contreras
- [Qgis-developer] Patch for screen updates during long rendering
Marco Hugentobler
- [Qgis-developer] Patch for screen updates during long rendering
Hugentobler Marco
- [Qgis-developer] Patch for screen updates during long rendering
Marco Hugentobler
- [Qgis-developer] Patch for screen updates during long rendering
Martin Dobias
- [Qgis-developer] Patch for screen updates during long rendering
Marco Hugentobler
- [Qgis-developer] Patch for screen updates during long rendering
Tom Elwertowski
- [Qgis-developer] Patch for the WFS plugin
Peter Ersts
- [Qgis-developer] Patch for the WFS plugin
Marco Hugentobler
- [Qgis-developer] plugins installer
Paolo Cavallini
- [Qgis-developer] plugins installer
Paolo Cavallini
- [Qgis-developer] plugins installer
Paolo Cavallini
- [Qgis-developer] plugins installer
John C. Tull
- [Qgis-developer] plugins installer
John C. Tull
- [Qgis-developer] Pre-Final Windows Build available
tisham at
- [Qgis-developer] Pre-Final Windows Build available
Leonardo Lami
- [Qgis-developer] Pre-Final Windows Build available
Otto Dassau
- [Qgis-developer] Pre-Final Windows Build available
Leonardo Lami
- [Qgis-developer] Problem compiling PyQGIS binding on Win32
Martin Dobias
- [Qgis-developer] Problem compiling PyQGIS binding on Win32 w/MSVC
Gary Sherman
- [Qgis-developer] Problem with large attribute tables
Otto Dassau
- [Qgis-developer] Problem with large attribute tables
Marco Hugentobler
- [Qgis-developer] Problem with large attribute tables
Marco Hugentobler
- [Qgis-developer] Problem with large attribute tables
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] Problem with large attribute tables
Otto Dassau
- [Qgis-developer] Project files from old revision of QGIS
Magnus Homann
- [Qgis-developer] Proposal: Auto-aging of bugs
Magnus Homann
- [Qgis-developer] Proposal: Auto-aging of bugs
Paolo Cavallini
- [Qgis-developer] Proposal: Auto-aging of bugs
Magnus Homann
- [Qgis-developer] Proposal: Auto-aging of bugs
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] Python build problem on OSX
William Kyngesburye
- [Qgis-developer] Python build problem on OSX
Tom Elwertowski
- [Qgis-developer] Python build problem on OSX
Martin Dobias
- [Qgis-developer] Python build problem on OSX
William Kyngesburye
- [Qgis-developer] Python build problem on OSX
Martin Dobias
- [Qgis-developer] Python build problem on OSX
William Kyngesburye
- [Qgis-developer] Python build problem on OSX
Martin Dobias
- [Qgis-developer] QGIS 0.9.1 Code Freeze and Tagging Reminder
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] QGIS 0.9.1 compiled on Debian Lenny
Niccolo Rigacci
- [Qgis-developer] QGIS 0.9.1 Fedora 8 i386 packages
Douglas E. Warner
- [Qgis-developer] Qgis 0.9.1 Installer
tisham at
- [Qgis-developer] QGIS 0.9.1 release branch created...
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] Qgis 0.9.1 test build 2 for OSX
William Kyngesburye
- [Qgis-developer] Qgis 0.9.1 test build 2 for OSX
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] Qgis 0.9.1 test build for OSX
William Kyngesburye
- [Qgis-developer] QGIS 0.9.1 Ubuntu Gutsy debs available -
please test
icosa atropa
- [Qgis-developer] QGIS 0.9.1 Ubuntu Gutsy debs available - please
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] QGIS 0.9.2 release plans (and new bug triage!)
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] QGIS 0.9.2 release plans (and new bug triage!)
lami at
- [Qgis-developer] QGIS 0.9.2 release plans (and new bug triage!)
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] QGIS 0.9.2 release plans (and new bug triage!)
William Kyngesburye
- [Qgis-developer] QGIS and 3D vectorial data
Benjamin Ducke
- [Qgis-developer] QGIS and 3D vectorial data
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] QGIS and 3D vectorial data
Martin Dobias
- [Qgis-developer] QGIS and 3D vectorial data
Michaël Douchin
- [Qgis-developer] QGIS and 3D vectorial data
Martin Dobias
- [Qgis-developer] QGIS and 3D vectorial data
Benjamin Ducke
- [Qgis-developer] QGIS and 3D vectorial data
Marco Hugentobler
- [Qgis-developer] Qgis Sqlite Tutorial
tisham at
- [Qgis-developer] qgis-svn and osx
massimo di stefano
- [Qgis-developer] question about
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] r.e. Ubuntu QGIS package source for apt now
icosa atropa
- [Qgis-developer] r.e. Ubuntu QGIS package source for apt now
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] release branch
Hugentobler Marco
- [Qgis-developer] release branch
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] release branch
Marco Hugentobler
- [Qgis-developer] remaining map composer bug(s) [was: QGIS 0.9.2
release plans (and new bug triage!)]
Steven Bell
- [Qgis-developer] remaining map composer bug(s) [was: QGIS 0.9.2
release plans (and new bug triage!)]
Maciej Sieczka
- [Qgis-developer] remaining map composer bug(s) [was: QGIS 0.9.2
release plans (and new bug triage!)]
Maciej Sieczka
- [Qgis-developer] SVG generator patch
Steven Bell
- [Qgis-developer] SVG generator patch
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] SVG generator patch
Steven Bell
- [Qgis-developer] SVG generator patch
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] test on QGIS-final-preview for Windows
Leonardo Lami
- [Qgis-developer] test on QGIS-final-preview for Windows
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] Trac priorities
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] Trac priorities
Paolo Cavallini
- [Qgis-developer] Trac priorities
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] Trac priorities
John C. Tull
- [Qgis-developer] Trac priorities
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] Trac priorities
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] Trac priorities
icosa atropa
- [Qgis-developer] Ubuntu QGIS package source for apt now available
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] UTF-8 Filenames, SVN, Qt and Macs
Tom Elwertowski
- [Qgis-developer] UTF-8 Filenames, SVN, Qt and Macs
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] UTF-8 Filenames, SVN, Qt and Macs
Tom Elwertowski
- [Qgis-developer] UTF-8 Filenames, SVN, Qt and Macs
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [Qgis-developer] UTF-8 Filenames, SVN, Qt and Macs
Magnus Homann
- [Qgis-developer] UTF-8 Filenames, SVN, Qt and Macs
Tim Sutton
- [Qgis-developer] UTF-8 Filenames, SVN, Qt and Macs
Magnus Homann
- [Qgis-developer] Vector layers and symbol scaling
Steven Bell
- [Qgis-developer] vector writer : how to append new data to
existing shapefile ?
Martin Dobias
- [Qgis-developer] vector writer : how to append new data to
existing shapefile ?
Martin Dobias
- [Qgis-developer] vector writer : how to append new data to
existing shapefile ?
Michaël Douchin
- [Qgis-developer] vector writer : how to append new data to
existing shapefile ?
Michaël Douchin
- [Qgis-developer] vector writer : how to append new data to existing
shapefile ?
Michaël Douchin
- [Qgis-developer] vtable linker error
Steven Bell
- [Qgis-developer] vtable linker error
Mark Coletti
- [Qgis-developer] vtable linker error
Steven Bell
Last message date:
Mon Dec 31 07:50:57 EDT 2007
Archived on: Wed Feb 6 23:25:34 EDT 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).