January 2009 Archives by thread
Starting: Thu Jan 1 18:08:24 EDT 2009
Ending: Sat Jan 31 12:18:43 EDT 2009
Messages: 588
- [OpenLayers-Users] Where Do I Find A List of Available Hashtable
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Single vector layer
Lehtonen, Mika
- [OpenLayers-Users] Change server wms layer depending resolution
Vidal, Antoni
- [OpenLayers-Users] Porting Fm GMaps?
Arnie Shore
- [OpenLayers-Users] bounds of an overlaylayer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Hide features
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with wfs examples
Diego Ochoa Tocachi
- [OpenLayers-Users] setCenter not working with EPSG:900913 projection
Robert Connolly
- [OpenLayers-Users] Map wrapping?
Paul Stevenson
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers Google Map resolution Issue
Eric Lemoine
- [OpenLayers-Users] wms+wfs+google with overlay+kml
Julien-Samuel Lacroix
- [OpenLayers-Users] ActiveXObject is not defined and FireBug on
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] custom control.button problems
David Hollema
- [OpenLayers-Users] What's the Difference Between feature.data and
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Projects from my students
Ian Turton
- [OpenLayers-Users] can't read text layer
David Hollema
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with overlays on VE
Warren Vick
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine accuracy issue
- [OpenLayers-Users] Need function to pass in center lonlat and
resolution and return bounds
Linda Rawson
- [OpenLayers-Users] Map Labeling
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] How can i group layers
- [OpenLayers-Users] Move to Openlayers
- [OpenLayers-Users] Which Content Management System to use
Intengu Technologies
- [OpenLayers-Users] Access management
Warren Vick
- [OpenLayers-Users] IE mem leak with proxy
Yves Moisan
- [OpenLayers-Users] Geoserver sld editor
Ivan Grcic
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to implement draggable Markers?
- [OpenLayers-Users] singleTile and Google-resolution < 2
Stephan Holl
- [OpenLayers-Users] IE strategies
Yves Moisan
- [OpenLayers-Users] Selectfeature issues
Dipl. Inf. Carsten Eider
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS-V with OL 2.7
Jesse Cleary
- [OpenLayers-Users] Event registration in activate function
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] Best option for visualizing JSON
Lehtonen, Mika
- [OpenLayers-Users] Visualization question: KML+BBox query+labeled
Adolf Hohl
- [OpenLayers-Users] BBOX strategy with scale
Zac Spitzer
- [OpenLayers-Users] limit map to maxExtent?
- [OpenLayers-Users] Draggable Markers on Openlayers.
- [OpenLayers-Users] Layer.Vector with multiple data sources
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] dblclick notifications on Handler.Feature
Joao Duarte
- [OpenLayers-Users] Zoombox over dateline
Heidt, Christopher M.
- [OpenLayers-Users] Changing extension and map size dinamically
Eduardo José Vilela Gómez
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers and asp.net asmx Service
Donald Kerr
- [OpenLayers-Users] openLayers User Guide / Tutorial
Derek Watling
- [OpenLayers-Users] different DragControls on 2 different layers
- [OpenLayers-Users] Google as non base layer
Richard Greenwood
- [OpenLayers-Users] Online Dynamic Systems Modeling Suite - release
- [OpenLayers-Users] Example Needed Demonstrating OpenLayers.Request
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Example Needed Demonstrating
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] How can i group layers
aweiser at gmx.de
- [OpenLayers-Users] Selectable features handlers
David Potts
- [OpenLayers-Users] New Project : PHPGeoCache For Local Storage and
Google App Engine
Alper Dinçer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Need Help with OpenLayers.Request
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] FAQ Home is Broken
Stephen Woodbridge
- [OpenLayers-Users] All marker offsets are wrong when using features
- [OpenLayers-Users] Overview Map Problems
Brad Spencer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Hide/Show a Vector Feature?
- [OpenLayers-Users] PropertyStyles not working in IE7
Peter.Sykora at ooe.gv.at
- [OpenLayers-Users] PropertyStyles not working in IE7
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Question about WMTS
Joana Simoes
- [OpenLayers-Users] draw-feature demo
stephane.poirier at usherbrooke.ca
- [OpenLayers-Users] FW: Overview Map Problems
Brad Spencer
- [OpenLayers-Users] mousedown
stephane.poirier at usherbrooke.ca
- [OpenLayers-Users] XMLHttpRequest.open Error on WFS layer
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] XMLHttpRequest.open Error on WFS layer
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Thin web mapping clients comparison
- [OpenLayers-Users] differences between firefox and IE/drawing
David Potts
- [OpenLayers-Users] PropertyStyles not working in IE7
Peter.Sykora at ooe.gv.at
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers Book
Derek Watling
- [OpenLayers-Users] Google and UK grid vector overlay
Mauro Bianchi
- [OpenLayers-Users] Markers
Derek Watling
- [OpenLayers-Users] Drag feature control slow in IE
Andre Pereira de Matos
- [OpenLayers-Users] Does anyone have an example of using the measure
control in a toolbar?
- [OpenLayers-Users] Layer.Tilecache does not match display projection
Matt Bartolome
- [OpenLayers-Users] New DragFeature Control and SelectFeatureControl
cross layers. Want to share
Andre Pereira de Matos
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems parsing simple XML file
Kimball, David (DCR)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Switching Layers Assigned to a SelectFeature
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] When drawing a point,
how to clear the previous point?
- [OpenLayers-Users] panel does not appear
Didrik Pinte
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with multiple SelectFeature controls
Joao Duarte
- [OpenLayers-Users] how to set up proxy host?
Xiaoyu Guan
- [OpenLayers-Users] [Fwd: RE: OpenLayers Book]
Yves Moisan
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers Book
Chip Taylor
- [OpenLayers-Users] Rookie problem with getting a map to draw with
Gene Sally
- [OpenLayers-Users] OL 2.7 measure control questions
- [OpenLayers-Users] WFS Layer Behavior
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Capture feature events on different layers:
Solution and Code (Controls and Handlers)
Andre Pereira de Matos
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with multiple SelectFeature controls
Andreas Hocevar
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problems with selectControl after upgrading from
OL 2.6 to 2.7
- [OpenLayers-Users] Hover control sample (share)
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] How can I disable layerSwitcher redraw on
measure tool select?
- [OpenLayers-Users] GML and GetFeatureInfo
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem related to names/labels of wards
appearing multiple times (using map file)
Jatin Ambasana
- [OpenLayers-Users] mousemove should show attributes from database
Rahn Hanno (rahn)
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to know the area of polygons falling under a
Jatin Ambasana
- [OpenLayers-Users] FEatures orders
- [OpenLayers-Users] Panning map and bbox/tile position bug?
Gissur Þórhallsson
- [OpenLayers-Users] Print / Saving Image
Gissur Þórhallsson
- [OpenLayers-Users] Understanding layers and popups
Gene Sally
- [OpenLayers-Users] Antarctic OpenLayers Map
- [OpenLayers-Users] baseLayer change problem
Alexandre Ardhuin
- [OpenLayers-Users] Disable Zoom wheel
- [OpenLayers-Users] MapGuide overlay session ID requirements
- [OpenLayers-Users] VE base layer tiles are loading when they are
not the active base layer
- [OpenLayers-Users] Request data from static source
- [OpenLayers-Users] DrawFeature control not working properly
Jatin Ambasana
- [OpenLayers-Users] DrawFeature control not working properly
Jatin Ambasana
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to add ZoomOut in NavToolbar control?
Myeong Hun Jeong
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem whit "Same-origin policy"
Pablo Díaz
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem whit "Same-origin policy"
Pablo Díaz
- [OpenLayers-Users] Projection problem?
Fabian Patzke
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to Get x,y of DragFeature
Vidal, Antoni
- [OpenLayers-Users] Change size multiple polygons
Bas Couwenberg
- [OpenLayers-Users] Looking for Openlayers.js patched (Ticket #1666)
Stefano Bonnin
- [OpenLayers-Users] SelectFeature control and click event on marker
Walter Lorenzetti
- [OpenLayers-Users] Projection problem
David Martinez Morata
- [OpenLayers-Users] Request & ProxyHost Question
- [OpenLayers-Users] wrong PX-Coordinates in IE as result of
Marc Jansen
- [OpenLayers-Users] SelectFeature Control Ticket #1666 (new feature)
Andre Pereira de Matos
- [OpenLayers-Users] Programatically Select a Feature
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to add a an overlay on top of a map?
- [OpenLayers-Users] Which possibilities to bring own data in
Kai Behncke
- [OpenLayers-Users] rounding-off coordinate of feature geometry at
stephane.poirier at usherbrooke.ca
- [OpenLayers-Users] Implementing OpenLayers in JavaScript object:
scope issues
- [OpenLayers-Users] How to geofence and read the coordinates ?
- [OpenLayers-Users] GeoBI blog
Fabio D'Ovidio
- [OpenLayers-Users] Thematic map and legend
Mauro Bianchi
- [OpenLayers-Users] How can I draw "Hello world"?
- [OpenLayers-Users] How can I draw "Hello world"? (2)
- [OpenLayers-Users] XAPI: Should the syntax
node[shop|amenity=*][bbox=...] work?
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers.ProxyHost
alyssa wright
- [OpenLayers-Users] Practical number of vector features...
Steve Lime
- [OpenLayers-Users] Drawing a polygon?
- [OpenLayers-Users] "Lower" Overlays Not Showing When Map Is Zoomed
Iain Young
- [OpenLayers-Users] Querying Features on a WMS Layer
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] XAPI: Should the syntax
node[shop|amenity=*][bbox=...] work? (2)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Sorry, the wrong list,
again -- XAPI: Should the syntax node[shop|amenity=*][bbox=...]
work? (2)
- [OpenLayers-Users] OpenLayers over dialup
Freeman, Aleda (EEA)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem using containsPoint or intersects
Brian Walawender
- [OpenLayers-Users] snaping to grid
stephane.poirier at usherbrooke.ca
- [OpenLayers-Users] GetFeatureInfo not working
nm3456 at gmail.com
- [OpenLayers-Users] native kml support
- [OpenLayers-Users] Ancored Popup Autosize troubles
- [OpenLayers-Users] Printing the map
David Martinez Morata
- [OpenLayers-Users] custom feature markers
Samuli Saarinen
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with pop-up rendering and layer overlay
in Openlayers 2.7
Subha Ramakrishnan
- [OpenLayers-Users] problems with ArcGIS Server 9.3 and sld Parameter
Rahn Hanno (rahn)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Set Z-Index of a Feature
- [OpenLayers-Users] getFeatureInfo() Only Works on One Layer?
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] MousePosition redraw issue caused by DragPan
Matthew Doyle
- [OpenLayers-Users] Cannot cycle through vector layer features
- [OpenLayers-Users] how to deactivate editingtoolbar after
G. Allegri
- [OpenLayers-Users] Doubt with layers
Rafael chacón
- [OpenLayers-Users] overlays goes stuck?
Björn Harrtell
- [OpenLayers-Users] Adding a vector feature from WKT
Derek Watling
- [OpenLayers-Users] Adding a vector feature from WKT
Derek Watling
- [OpenLayers-Users] Z-index of layers
Subha Ramakrishnan
- [OpenLayers-Users] Communicating and Coordinating Maps Among
Several Servers
Bill Thoen
- [OpenLayers-Users] setVisibility VS visibility:false
Alexandre Dube
- [OpenLayers-Users] WMS GetFeatureInfo - difficult to click exactly
on a point
Kimball, David (DCR)
- [OpenLayers-Users] Problem when switching WMS layers on and off
with Google Base Layer
Robert Hicks
- [OpenLayers-Users] Change layer after zooming?
Ivo Brodien
- [OpenLayers-Users] FramedCloud with Layer.Text?
Christopher Schmidt
- [OpenLayers-Users] Projection object, use and documentation.
David Potts
- [OpenLayers-Users] Different icons for popups
- [OpenLayers-Users] Popup Property/Method
Joao Duarte
- [OpenLayers-Users] Popup Property/Method
Erik Uzureau
- [OpenLayers-Users] Any options for an introductory OpenLayers
Freeman, Aleda (EEA)
- [OpenLayers-Users] please test this site
Richard Greenwood
Last message date:
Sat Jan 31 12:18:43 EDT 2009
Archived on: Wed Sep 1 17:19:51 EDT 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).